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Rail measurement

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 9:51 am
by waynek
Hi all,
Doing some work on my 74' Thing,had to remove passenger seat as it was welded to the floor and had no seat rail.The floor had been replaced by a previous owner.
I also notices that the drivers seat rail was a bit crooked and I want
to line it up correctly.I need someone to give me the distance from
the firewall where the brake line passes through .to the leading edge
of the seat rail.Mine is currently at 32". I measured the rail on my 67' bug
and it's 28".It seems kind of close for a Thing.

Thanks to all for the great forum,
Wayne K

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 1:59 pm
by Kubelmann
Just measured on a 73 Thing for you. The inside seat rail on the driver's side is set back 29.5" from the firewall. K-mann