Some of you might know that I have a separate build thread for the engine itself on the wasserboxer/Type V forum here at STF, but I thought I should share my EFI-related items here on the Engine Management section also.
Some Specs of the engine itself:
WBX case
WBX 76 mm crank
AA perf lightened flywheel
EMPI H-beam 5.5" rods
Mahle 94mm barrels/pistons (barrels dramatically shortened)
CB Los Panchitos heads
CSP Super Street exhaust
Then to the EFI stuff:
Throttle bodies:
I was planning to reuse the ones I converted from a GSXR bike, but I reconsidered as I want to keep the 1835 completeas a backup, So I ended up buying a pair of these:
I ordered them with 52mm ID bore, which I personally think sound like a bit on the large side, but those were the recommondations from Paul that makes them, so we will see how well they work.
The arrived a couple of days ago, and so far I think they look good.
Trigger wheel:
I was playing around with some different ideas, but having seen fastback's solution to incorporate it directly into the flywheel really intrigued me, so this is how the AA flywheel looks after a visit in his workshop: I have bought a hall sensor from DIY Autotune, and will mount it in the original location after having drilled out the hole a bit.
This means that I will retire the trusty EDIS setup, and use a set of COPs that I planned to use on the 1835.
So all in all this is more of an evolutionary project, as there are not that many really new and inventive solutions, but still I thought I should share this project with you.
Once all is up an running, I was planning on looking more into a few new issues like knock sensor and EGT.