From what I have read on Holset turbos...... is that they need a good -4 supply of oil and a -12 drain. That is a good bit more oil than the little -9b needs.
You should probably run a -4 feed to the Holset and then Tee off that with a -3 line to the -9b
Any good hose and fitting store will make up any hose you want. I have taken the fittings home to test fit them and mark the lengths along with clocking the fittings....then take them back to have them cut and pressed on.
Since working in our company shop on asphalt pavers in the winter for the last 4 years I've been able to get some experience on making up hydraulic hoses for them.
There are all kinds of fittings you can use. Go to any good Hose and Fitting store or even an AG tractor store might have a selection of fittings.
We have a whole wall of shelf bins of 3 or 4 different style of fittings along with sizes from -4 to -20 and they are straight, 45's and 90's.
If you can get one end to be a straight fitting then clocking is not an issue.
Most likely for you..... each end will need some sort of angle fitting which make clocking the fittings important since that type of hose will not twist very well once the fitting is crimped.
I use a Banjo fitting on the turbo end and a 90 on the engine side. I bought it from Samba/STF member HotStreetVW if I remember correctly. He works in the fitting industry.
I also have a brass Tee on my engine which I use for the turbo feed and the other spot is for my oil pressure sensor. If I ever went twin turbo I would just install another line on the Tee and move my oil pressure to my filter housing....or I could get turbo oil from the filter housing if that was a better run for the hoses.
Now I just go to the somewhat local "Industrial Supply Store" and have them make anything I need or I make them myself.
For the npt fitting you can convert from npt to JIC with a nice little straight fitting or 90 if needed. That allows you to connect the hose without having to turn the hose if you use a swivel fitting there.
I use swivels on both ends to be able to place the hose the best way and for ease of install and removal.
If you go to the Hose and Fitting Store they have rows and rows of bins with every fitting known to man. You can use your imagination and build whatever you desire and they will crimp it for you.
Get your hot and cold side fitted and plumbed first so you won't have to make multiple hoses.
Here is my oil line coming from the Tee on the engine.