This weekend, I made the final modifications to the panel that will sit behind the passenger door and tacked the outer skin together.
But first, I cut out and repaired the floor lip behind/under the back seat and welded the bottom of the lower corner so I wouldn't fill the heater channel with water.
I removed most of the paint from the outer skin, applied primer on the inside, and carefully started welding it in place with the TIG.
So far, it looks good. It doesn't seem to have warped. Now it's time to continue with the inner fender before fully welding the outer skin.
The inner fender, however, requires quite a bit of work... First up was this weird little pressing.
Since the panel is designed for newer cars with a Z-bar, I have to close up the opening to make it more like the original. This was patched up, and the panel was trimmed to fit the existing inner fender.
However, I wasn't happy with the sharp rear corner of the opening at the shock mount, so I rounded it off a bit.
Then I realized that the bottom line of the bottom of the body didn't line up at all, so I redid the entire rear half and also part of the opening near the shock mount.
Now it's welded and ground down. This piece took way too long!
The next step will be the reinforcement piece that goes on top of the inner fender. and the mount for to the shock tower.