HWVVC Deustch Drive-In (Chicago Area)

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HWVVC Deustch Drive-In (Chicago Area)

Post by HWVVC »

May 15, 2004 - HWVVC's Deutsch Drive-In
Hi-Lite 30 Drive-In, Aurora, Illinois
Harsh Winters Vintage Volkswagen Club presents The Deutsch Drive-In
Purpose: HWVVC welcomes all VW enthusiasts in the area to come out and enjoy a night of classic drive-in cinema, while showing off their air-cooled treasures.
Location: Hi-Lite 30 Drive-In, Aurora, IL (corner of Montgomery Rd and Hill Av)
Time: Arriving at 6pm is ideal to get a good spot and to converse with other VW enthusiasts. The first movie starts around 9 (sunset). It will be a double feature so expect to leave after midnight :)
Cost: $6 adult $1 children
Comments: The audio is broadcast across 101.5 FM so make bring a battery powered radio, or use your car's radio. Lawn chairs, blankets, and popcorn are always a must at these things ;)
More info at: http://hwvvc.com/hmain.htm