Parting out 77 Riviera Camper CHEAP!

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Parting out 77 Riviera Camper CHEAP!

Post by fl_buggy »

I bought this bus as an engine donor. It does have some good parts on it though so I'm posting these parts for sale very cheap. I'm not looking to get rich off of this thing, I just want to see some good parts go to good homes. The body panels are pretty much a write off, but the camper top is in good shape as well as the canvas. The screens have some bad areas but are decent. I don't have any of the interior parts though. I also have the side windows in good shape (no windshield) and the front suspension/disk brakes.

Make offers, I want it gone soon and don't need the money from it.

I'm near Tampa Florida and will be at the Bug Jam.
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Post by MidWesty »

Hey now,
I can definitely use the canvas from that Rivi. Possibly the luggage rack too if my other deal falls through. Let me know what you might want for the canvas and I can get that right out to you.

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