Switching rockers, unknown to Scat 1.25

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Re: Switching rockers, unknown to Scat 1.25

Post by Ol'fogasaurus »

The first thing you do is put some crocus cloth or something like that down on a piece of flat glass, add a liquid then in a rotating motion I check/polish the bottom of the casting for being flat. The obvious but not always thought about.

When the old seal went I tried to get a new one but they aren't available so, in a panic situation after the clip on valve covers leaked worse than what I had, I got a length of moderately soft rubber hose that fit fairly snugly into the hole in the valve cover and the bolt fit nicely tight in side. I cut the length I needed out of it but cut it a bit long. I then put the washers and nuts on and tightened things up compressing the hose to the side of the valve cover and the bolt.

I did it along time ago and I think this is what I did. A last stage panic thought that so far (knock on wood) has worked.

Update: I forgot to mention that the two bolt holes were also counter bored. In other words a flat bottomed hole drilled part way through the valve cover. Do you want a picture? I will not take the fastener out though :oops: .


Correction. I used the wrong term "spotfaced" but corrected it with counter bored. I remembered the symbol for it but not the correct term :oops: . Too many years since I had to require that/either kind of thing and just forgot.


A spotface or spot face is a machined feature in which a certain region of the work piece (a spot) is faced, providing a smooth, flat, accurately located surface."

If you had the head of a bolt riding the radius of a piece you could use either a radius style of washer or locally remove the radius for the bolt head.
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Joined: Mon Nov 13, 2006 10:17 pm

Re: Switching rockers, unknown to Scat 1.25

Post by Ol'fogasaurus »

Correction: I used the term "clip on" meaning the stock VW valve covers that uses "bales" to hold them in place. Getting old isn't easy guys as words sometimes come hard or slowly... if at all. :oops: :wink:

Slightly off-subject: Using "big words" is also bad if no one understands them; I've had that problem with people also. I was talking to a young lady years ago who naturally spoke in Malapropisms (used words that sounded like the word she wanted but meant something completely different... but you understood her) and I was answering her question when she ask why I used big words all the time. I told her that I "used good words"; I used a word that conveyed whole sentences or thoughts. She didn't understand that concept and I learned to be careful of that. Its like someone who has a different sense of humor that no one understands ( :roll: ) but often is hilarious to others who do understand that type of humor.

Like I said before, the average person speaks many types of English depending on what, where and when. As a rough guess maybe as many as 100 versions of English and many of them in one day.

I talked about this to my step-grand daughter and her husband (both teachers, he 6th grade and she, a high school English teacher) over the last week (ending 7/9/17) and they were kind of at a loss over the concept/idea. Maybe it is because they are on vacation and didn't want to talk shop during vacation. :lol:
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