Above: Key to oil control is the windage tray. It helps suppress slosh out of the sump and into the heads.
BOLT-ON OIL CONTROL IN RACING (without dry sumps!)
The big problem with racing boxer-design engines is because the cylinders are sideways, oil can rush out to the heads and pool in the valve covers, and leave the oil pickup sucking foam for a few seconds. At high RPM, that can mean the rod bearings will starve and wear. Oil is expected to drain back to the sump via the pushrod tubes.
Above: Boxer design invites oil transfer to heads and valve covers.
Above: the red line represents the windage tray. More on the deep sump to follow.
From the beginning, the VW engine had a small oil capacity, just 2.5 qts. to fill. Oil slosh control was thought to be sufficient by the internal shape of the engine sump, which put the oil level just below the lifters, forming a sort of natural windage tray.
That worked until Porsche 356's and then VW's begin to pull high cornering G's, and the oil was forced to slosh sideways.
The very rotation of the crankshaft in the VW/Porsche design blows oil ("wind" as in windage) toward the 3/4 cylinder side, and tends to fill the valve cover on that side completely full of oil at 5000 RPM and more, with no windage tray in place.
An early Porsche racing trick was to fabricate about a one-inch pushrod extension into the case (we give thanks to Richard Luke for this simple but effective mod) that helped prevent oil from flooding out of the case via the pushrod tubes into the heads in a long, sweeping turn. So effective was this mod that Porsche copied it and the 912 engine came standard with "windage" pushrod tubes.
http://www2.cip1.com/ProductDetails.asp ... 2D335%2DWG
Windage tubes are available from most parts houses, and no racing engine should be without them.
Special Tip. Get rid of your oil strainer. The fine filter mesh acts to restrict flow.
(This tip applies only to racing engines that have good full-flow filter systems. Do not remove the oil strainer on street engines! The screen acts to block big pieces of metal that can damage your oil pump)
The windage tray itself, at first a hand-fabricated piece for racing Porsche 356's, is also a highly effective item of competition equipment. And cheap, too. California Import Parts lists theirs at $9.95
Together, the windage tray and pushrods tubes are excellent insurance against oil sloshing. Our 1965 Pan Americana Ghia raced 2000+ miles straight with little more than these two innovations.
Porsche solved their racing oil starvation problems with the dry sump, beginning with the four-cam Carrera engine, and being carried on in every dedicated Porsche racing engine. The tradition extended even to the street 911's, but the Boxsters are a different story as we'll explain below.
You can get most of the benefits of a dry sump with an extra wet "deep" sump. As the windage tray illustration shows above, the deep sump provides for the oil pickup to be immersed in its own well of oil, and is a virtual guarantee of oil delivery under high cornering forces.
Even Porsche blurs the distinction now between the dry sump and deep sump on the Boxster engines. They use an integrally-cast wet sump, but describe it like this (clip from Boxster ad):
"Porsche has long featured race-proven “dry sump” oil systems. In past engines, Porsche used a separate, remote oil tank. The Boxster engine features an integrated dry-sump system – the sump sits inside the block, next to the crankshaft."
To help justify the "integrated dry-sump" twist, Porsche uses pump suction in each cylinder head to scavenge oil and return it to the sump.
VW racers have plumbed extra oil return lines from the heads to the case, to help gravity return the trapped oil more quickly. But this post is about oil control without drilling any holes.
VW drag racers have a special oil control problem, which is in the first few seconds of high RPM full throttle, the big-gear (32mm) oil pumps commonly used can pump enough oil out of the sump that in the course of a drag race run, the oil does not time to fully return to the sump!
It either tries to blow into the dump can or pools in the heads and valve covers. Drag cars can blow a quart of oil or more into the 3-4 cylinder side valve cover and dump can in one run.
The answer is to run the smallest pump you can (which helps power, by the way) and the thinnest oil you can. It flows faster.
Above: Oil Suction Pickup
http://WWW.CIP1.COM C26-115-205 - OIL PICKUP & SUCTION KIT
Another bolt-on oil control device that works is the oil pickup suction kit. This was another part of our Carrera Panamericana engines, and helped keep it alive. The pickup adapter (anodized red) is pressed onto the engine pickup tube (with a nice 0-ring fit) and faces flat to the special oil plate, and has slots on both sides to draw in oil. This little kit works very well.
The pickup also has a wire screen to block bits of metal from being ingested. This is a reasonably wider weave than the stock strainer mesh, and offers no restriction to flow.
These simple bolt-on parts, the windage tray, the windage push rod tube, deep sump, and suction oil pickup will give you racing oil control almost on par with a dry sump system.