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East Coast Karmann Ghia Treffen Results and Pics

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 4:27 pm
by Goodwrench
Here is a link to the pictures of our first East Coast Karmann Ghia Treffen. ... n1001.html

Some very fine Karmann Ghias were there and for those who are still working on their Ghias one of the common comments heard was "I've gotta get my Ghia finishe for next year's Treffen!" So Ghia workers be inspired and go ye therefore and finish your diamonds in the rough. :)

Oh! For the person at the show who asked what Treffen actually means I looked it up. In my German to English dictionary it means......MEETING!!

Okay here's how they scored.

Best of Show - Jim Geddings - 58 Coupe

Stock Coupe
1st Place - Jim Geddings - 58 Coupe
2nd Place - Kellie Dixon - 66 Coupe
Stock Convertible
1st Place - Dave Spieler - 70 Vert
2nd Place - Walt Berry - 71 Vert
Modified Coupe
1st Place - Andrew McLean - 72 Coupe
2nd Place - Barry Hendrix - 74 Coupe
Custom Convertible
1st Place - Alex Buckner - 69 Vert
Daily Driver Coupe
1st Place - David Maddox - 68 Coupe
2nd Place - Joey Smith - 64 Coupe
Daily Driver Convertible
1st Place - Roy Adcox - 69 Vert
2nd Place - Curt Morris - 71 Vert

Best Engine - Bob Leas -68 Coupe
Best Interior - Roy Adcox - 68 Vert
Best Paint - Jim Geddings - 58 Coupe

Work In Progress - Bob Leas - 68 Coupe

Furthest Driven - Bob Leas - Palm Bay FL - 585 miles

There were no entries in the Modifies Convertible or Custom Coupe classes. Perhaps next year????

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 2:24 pm
by Cohibra45
Just wanted to say thanks Alan. Had a really great time. It was great fun and especially great to see and meet all the Ghia people.

Looking forward to next years event. Tremendous location!!!

On the way up the road to visit my family in NC/SC, I lost my speedometer just crossing the SC line and on the way back home from NC, my battery died. Thanks to Steve at Space Coast Imports for helping me diagnose the problem and getting me back on the road. For the next couple gas stops, I just left the motor running and made it back just fine.

After all was said and driven, I put a little over 1500 miles on the Ghia and only had the couple hiccups. These things were meant to be driven!!! Maybe next year we can separate furtherest driven and traveled :lol: .
