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Source for Stock-colored wiring

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 8:41 pm
by kristopher_m7
As the proud owner of a '73 Super Beetle, I found myself looking at the tangled rat's nest of wiring that accompanied my car. Between wire-nuts, cannibalized extension cords, and an attempt at installing a radio, my car's previous owners left a mess of a wiring system for me to sort through.

As the '73 SB is one of those "special" years where you cannot purchase an OEM wiring harness or anything resembling one, I was hoping to rewire the car (specifically the dash and engine compartment) myself, updating connections where necessary and desirable. Does anyone know where a good source for stock-colored (or similar) wire could be found? I was hoping to stay relatively close to the stock wiring diagrams.

Re: Source for Stock-colored wiring

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 12:23 pm
by kristopher_m7
It appears that it's possible to obtain custom-colored and striped wire from They also offer custom printing. It looks like it may be expensive, but perhaps worth it. I'll keep this thread updated with information as I find it.

Edit: I've found a motorcycle shop through ebay that will sell small lengths (5-30 feet) of different colored GXL to you.

If anyone has any thoughts, please chime in. Connectors are my next task as I price out my next project.

Re: Source for Stock-colored wiring

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 4:42 pm
by Stray Catalyst
You can also buy used harnesses, I did that for my 74 Beetle. You can clean them up (the connectors) and check for wear, mouse damage, chafing, and the rest before you install it. Almost all distributors have minimum purchase, especially for custom colors - it's usually a thousand feet of each color, which would be enough to rewire fifty or sixty Superbeetles.

You can also buy a bus harness and reuse the wires, the colors are the same and the bus is longer - so you'll have long enough wires.


Re: Source for Stock-colored wiring

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 4:48 pm
by kristopher_m7
I considered obtaining a used harness, but my main concern with buying used wiring is unseen deterioration or corrosion. Any wire that has been around for more than 30 years is going to have some sort of deterioration, and that's something I hoped to get rid of.

I've also found that the minimum purchase tended to be 100 feet per color if you order directly from the manufacturer. Ebay and resellers seem to be a better bet. The minimum length I've found is around 5 feet, which is much better than the 100 feet cap.

Another thing I (briefly) considered was rewiring the car in all one color, and labeling the ends. I think that this could definitely get confusing, and might be a bit of a negative factor if I ever (gasp) try to sell it.

Let me know what you think, and thanks for the input.

Re: Source for Stock-colored wiring

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 5:17 pm
by Stray Catalyst
DO NOT rewire in a single color, even if you label each end of each wire! If you have damage in any place aside from an end, you're pretty much screwed.

If you can find the wires in shorter minimum lengths, go for it. I was happy enough with used, but the wires are indeed 30+ years old. Good luck with your rewiring project.


Re: Source for Stock-colored wiring

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 7:00 pm
by Dale M.
There is new aftermarket replacement harnesses with standard colors available....


Re: Source for Stock-colored wiring

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 8:43 pm
by kristopher_m7
Dale, I was unable to find such a harness for a '73 SB. I would, however, be grateful for such a source, particularly the dash harness.

Re: Source for Stock-colored wiring

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 5:20 am
by david58
Another thing I (briefly) considered was rewiring the car in all one color, and labeling the ends. I think that this could definitely get confusing, and might be a bit of a negative factor if I ever (gasp) try to sell it.

Let me know what you think, and thanks for the input.

DO NOT rewire in a single color, even if you label each end of each wire! If you have damage in any place aside from an end, you're pretty much screwed.
One wire color is no harder to figure out than multi colored wire. Use a ohm meter from end to end.

Re: Source for Stock-colored wiring

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 8:45 am
by Dale M.
kristopher_m7 wrote:Dale, I was unable to find such a harness for a '73 SB. I would, however, be grateful for such a source, particularly the dash harness.
This may be what you want.... ... 43-72%2F73

Price may make you go numb....

Phone call will verify if it will work on SB and availability...

Do not think there is any reason a SB loom/harness may be any different than 73 standard beetle..

Also try GOOGLE search for "volkswagen wire loom"...


Re: Source for Stock-colored wiring

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 8:49 am
by Steve Arndt
You can pull the whole harness from a vanagon or bay bus and have all the stock VW colors and sizes.

Re: Source for Stock-colored wiring

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 8:52 am
by kristopher_m7
Those prices aren't bad, but the standard Beetle harness won't work on the Super. Modifying either the standard Beetle harness or an earlier Super Beetle harness could work, but I feel that if I'm going to that much work I might as well update some things

Re: Source for Stock-colored wiring

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 9:14 am
by Stray Catalyst
david58 wrote:

One wire color is no harder to figure out than multi colored wire. Use a ohm meter from end to end.

I've bought cars from people who agreed with you. I ended up making voodoo dolls of the PO's and studding them with drywall screws... as they didn't label the identically-colored wires, and were somewhat casual about where they hooked them up. The car was carpeted with blown fuses, of course.


Re: Source for Stock-colored wiring

Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 7:40 pm
by superstar
I went to a junk yard and pulled wire out of a newer Pontiac Grand Prix along with the fuse boxes, circuit breakers, fuses, connectors, light bulbs, and anything else I thought I may need. I then made my own wire harness and fuse box. If I needed a specific color or guage of wire I got small rolls at CarQuest. I did my wireing for around $100. I didn't like the way VW had the car wired so I drew up all my own circuits and wired them in one at a time. I took an auto electrical course at the local community college and this was my project. Best class I ever took, I got an A.

Re: Source for Stock-colored wiring

Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 7:56 pm
by Chris V
I personally go the Baywindow harness routine...I think the wire quality is likely to exceed that of any of the new reproduction harnesses you'll find.

This morning I went to Home Depot to buy some stranded 10 AWG copper THHN wire in order to rewire my headlights...set me back $35 for wire alone. I can usually just take scraps like this from work, but we've been using all solid wire lately because the cost of stranded.

Whenever I've looked at stealing wire from more modern vehicles in the junkyard I've been stunned at what crap is used these days.