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Turn signal arm

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2019 7:26 am
by ouvw2
Just got back from a swap and found a turn signal arm from a pre 67. The interesting part is, it has a small lever type button/switch on the backside of the arm. Not sure what year it’s from or what that switch is used for. Any info would be appreciated. I’m planning on using that switch for the horn unless I find a better idea.

Thanks Ouvw2

Re: Turn signal arm

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2019 11:27 am
by Clonebug
The switch is used for the headlight dimmer.
It puts out a momentary ground to trip the VW specific headlight relay.

I use it and love it for the headlights.

I think it would work for a horn if you use it for a ground side activation of a relay.