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Split Bus Vent Window Latch Fix

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2020 6:39 am
by Jadewombat
OK, it happened again. So many times over the years the part you buy doesn't quite fit or work on your vdub. It's an aftermarket part. A far cry from the original quality VW put out in the 60s and 70s. This is the root cause of the issue we've all butted up against.

But you have to use the new part it because it's the only one available. Sure, there's a remote chance someone has an NOS one on thesamba, but $500 for a latch ain't gonna happen either.

Sooooo, I'm putting the front door windows back together for my '66 bus with new seals. The vent window latch is fitted in the frame with some difficulty (too wide for the frame). I get the glass and vent window frame in. She don't wanna close. Not a little, like not even close. Hmmm, it's a new seal I tell myself, squeeze the glass closed and POP there goes the window latch. Arrggghhh!!!

Buy another cast metal latch?? Nunt uh...

Put some aluminum round bar on the lathe, drill out the center, turn it down to match the profile of the inside of the latch, drill and tap the base part on the window frame for a threaded screw, then dremel the sides flat and extend it some more room to accommodate the new seal.

It works very nicely now. :D There's enough tension to keep it closed and missing the push-button actuation is not going to keep me up at night. Going to touch up the black on the screw head with silver so it's not so noticeable. If it busts again, I'll be fabbing up the base part that sandwiches around the glass but out of steel...I only need the pointy latch portion from here on out.

Re: Split Bus Vent Window Latch Fix

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2020 8:18 am
by doc
Nice repair. Will probably last for years. We've been lucky to have pretty good parts supplies for a long time, Not perfect, but better than most. I'm sure we will see more "creative" repairs in the future. Almost anything is possible.