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Oil pick up tube

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2021 8:51 pm
by H2OSB
Greetings folks--

AFTER recently assembling a 1641, I made a trade to a friend for a EMPI deep sump, however, he could not find the pick up tube extension, so I must acquire one elsewhere.

CB Performance sells two different extended pick up tubes, but I UNDERSTOOD they need to be installed in a disassembled case. I may be wrong about this. Can someone please suggest a source for an extended pick up tube? Perhaps hardware as well?

Thanks in advance

Re: Oil pick up tube

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2021 9:36 pm
by Bad Bob
I used a piece of 3/4”steel tubing and brazed it on. It’s a little tight, but doable with the engine assembled.