Tenn. Volunteer Bug Jam???????

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Tenn. Volunteer Bug Jam???????

Post by drew23 »

Is anyone familiar with the Vol. Bug Jam that was held for a few years?

I went to 3 of them and the last time I went I drove to Knoxville and discovered that it was not there.

It may have been a small show but I miss it. My dad and I had made a habit of attending.

If anyone knows if it might start back or not let me know.....

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Post by Zen »

The last Volunteer Bug Jam was held in August 2001. I went to all of them from '96 - '01 . . . it was a great show at one time, but I think a combination of the August heat and cost got the better of it. It wasn't that great in 2000 and in 2001 it was pretty obvious that it's day was over. I was hoping that they could find a way to salvage it, but it looks like it's gone for good.

The good news is that there are a few great shows not too far from Knoxville. Every spring and again in the fall, the AVWA puts on Circle Yer Wagens at the Sevier County Fairgrounds in Sevierville. And not "that" far down the road in Chattanooga is Bug-A-Paluza every April. Check out http://www.avwa.com for more info on Circle Yer Wagens and http://www.volksfolks.org for more on Bug-A-Paluza.
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